Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Building Project Update

By Patsy Smith, Director

To read about the history of the library building project, including the latest activities, go to the library website and click 'Expansion' on the left toolbar. Also on the front page of the library website, the 'Newsflash' box at the top contains the link 'Renderings', which will take you to images of exterior and interior views of the library design.

The Mancos Public Library Staff (and babies!)

From the Mancos Times

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Town Board Waives Fees for New Library

Mancos trustees approved a motion Wednesday night, November 28, to waive a series of municipal fees to assist in construction of the new Mancos Public Library.

In a unanimous 6-0 vote on Resolution 12, the board deferred a total of $22,363 relating to various expenses normally charged for new facilities in town.

Fees not required by the town for the library included a street impact fee, $1,890; water and sewer tap, $8,452; building permit, $9,623 and legal fees of $2,398.

The new library is an approximately $2 million projet for a one-story, 7,500 square foot facility to be located on the corner of First and Mesa streets just off the Mancos River in town.

Construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2008, and once started, it should take about a year to complete.

From the Mancos Times

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Building Project Update

By Patsy Smith, Director

Recently, the Mancos Town Board, Mayor Black, and the town staff demonstrated strong support for the library's building project by passing a number of resolutions that will waive various permit and tap fees. These funds will be applied to other construction costs, thus helping the library meet is budgetary goal for the project. In addition, the support given by the Town will be acknowledged in future grants which will assist the library in obtaining these grants. The Town of Mancos and the Mancos Library District (MLD) also established an intergovernmental agreement which will allow the MLD to develop Mesa Street, which is adjacent to the library building site to provide off-site parking for library patrons and the public. The Mancos Library District would like to thank the Town of Mancos for its strong show of support for the library building project.

On November 15, construction manager, Robert Lea of Davidson Construction gave a presentation on estimated construction costs for the project. The board will meet with architect Dennis Humphries soon, to review and approve the final design development plan.

From the Mancos Times

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Artists Schedule Fundraiser for New Mancos Library

Mancos artists are putting together a fundraiser for the new Mancos Public Library titled, Our Artists for Our Library.

The event is scheduled from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Saturday, February 8, 2008 at the Mancos Community Center and will offer food, wine, and live music by Nate Mayfield.

Local creators are being sought to participate and donate work for the fundraiser, according to Marilyn Kroeker. The deadline to turn in artwork for the event is Thursday, December 27.

For more information, contact Kroeker at [970] 533.7464.

From the Mancos Times

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Design for New Town Library Taking Shape

By Patsy Smith

The Mancos Public Library recently hosted a program presented by the facility's consultant for Leaderhip in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), Renee Azerbegi, who provided information about the process of certification under the LEED Green Building Rating System from the U.S. Green Building Council.

Azerbegi discussed the green strategies for the new library building including construction activity pollution prevention, site development, water efficiency, on-site renewable energy (photovoltaic panels), recycled and rapidly renewable building materials, indoor environmental quality and innovation in design.

Following that, the project architect, Dennis Humphries, offered the latest design for the new library building to the library board and building project team. This design represents 50 percent of the design development phase. The final design will be presented to the board on Thursday, November 15. Participants discussed all aspects of the design, including LEED points associated with the green strategies. The construction manager, Robert Lea with Davidson Construction, Inc., put together preliminary figures for construction costs. Steve Eccher of Eccher Design & Planning, LLC., who was recently hired as the owner's representative for the project was in attendance.

The latest design is included so that the public has an opportunity to see two views of the exterior design of the new library. Plans of the exterior and interior are available at the library for public review and are posted on the library website, Library board members and staff welcome the public's input and ideas on the design.

For more information, contact the Mancos Public Library at [970] 533.7569.

From the Mancos Times

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mancos Library Plans "Green" Building Design

By Patsy Smith, Director

The Mancos Public Library Board of Trustees is inviting everyone in the community to meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design consultant Renee Azerbegi and learn more about the library's plans for a "green" building design for the the library.

At a public meeting at the Methodist Fellowship Hall, 470 West Grand Avenue, on Thursday, October 18, at 7 pm, Azerbegi will speak about the Green Building Rating System and how its standards will be integrated into the new library building.

Following the presentation, citizens are encouraged to participate in the discussion and question time to learn more about LEED and it's relevance for this project.

Azerbegi is a LEED accredited professional and a certified energy manager, who has provided LEED consulting on more than 30 related projects and has performed energy modeling for scores of buildings. Azergegi's firm, Ambient Energy, Inc. is based in Golden, CO.

A green building is environmentally responsible, as well as a healthy workplace and public building. The Mancos library board is committed to designing a building that is committed to designing a building that is respectful of the community and the environment.

We encourage everyone to make plans to attend this program to learn more about the rating system and its standards for the new library building.

For more information, contact the library at [970] 533.7569.

From the Mancos Times

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Mancos Public Library Building Project Update

By Patsy Smith, Director

The Mancos Library District Board of Trustees held a special meeting on Tuesday, August 14, to address several building issues and to review the initial schematic design for the new library.

Members voted to approve the covenant pertaining to the consolidation of lots and discussed the draft of the intergovernmental agreement with the Town of Mancos regarding public improvements on South Mesa Street. This issue was tabled to a later date.

Dennis Humphries, architect for the new library building, presented the initial schematic design to the board and to more than 20 community members. The board approved the schematic design in respect to the location on the site and the size of the building, with the contingency of further input by library staff and other considerations.

Humphries met with library staff the following day to gather their input.

Design development is to continue, including a review of changes at the board's next regular meeting slated Thursday, August 30. A review is mid-September is sceduled, and board approval of the design is on September 27.

For more information about the Mancos Public Library Building Project, call the library at [970] 533.7569.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Duck Bucks

Mancos Library Director Patsy Smith, left, accepts a $1,000 check from the Kiwanis Club of Mesa Verde duck Saturday as Marty McKean, of the Kiwanis Club, looks on. Money is to go into a fund for the new Mancos Public Library, on which contruction is scheduled to being this fall.

From the Mancos Times

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mancos Days Parade

The Mancos Public Library "Book Cart Precision Drill Team" at practice with members of Davidson Construction, Inc.

"Constructing a Library - Building a Community" Davidson Truck

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Plans for New Library Take Shape

An effort to construct a new Mancos Public Library is ongoing as the architect for the project, Dennis Humphries, continues his work on a conceptual design.

The proposed 7,500 square foot, one-story building is to be located near the corner of First and Mesa streets just off of the Mancos River. Spacing of the new facility is slated to be about three times the size of the current library, which opened in 1992, according to Director Patsy Smith.
"We're sort of packed in here like sardines," said Smith jokingly, who mentioned that the additional space will allow for the display of more books.

The library is expected to add about 5,000 books to its present total of 17,000.
"We'll have these books displayed in a more visually appealing way," Smith said.

Outdoor landscaping on the library grounds will allow patrons to sit outside and read by the Mancos River, Smith said. The size of the lot is about two-thirds of an acre. "Most people are seeing our project as a win-win situation," she added.

In addition to books and property, the library plans to increase the number of computers from seven to 11. A new 800 to 900-foot conference room will be able to sit 40 to 50 people.
Smith noted that two more part-time employees could be added to the current library staff, which would perhaps allow for additional weekday hours and being open on Sundays.
The library is presently closed on Sunday.

Smith is hopeful to break ground on the approximately $2 million project this fall, but if not, the potential start date would be in the spring of 2008. Once work begin, construction should take approximately one year, she said.

From the Mancos Times

Friends Donate to the Library

The Mancos Friends of the Library donated $2,500 to the Mancos Public Library building fund June 13. The money was raised from the Friend's raffles during the past two years. Pictured from left are Chyrise Bay-Voit, raffle manager; Patsy Smith, library director; and Gwen Hawkins, Friends' President.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Mancos Public Library Named Enterprise Zone Project

The Mancos Public Library has been named an Enterprise Zone Contribution Project by the Colorado Economic Development Commission. The Mancos Library was approved at the March 8 Colorado Economic Development Commission meeting for their downtown building project. This designation allows any contributions to the Mancos Public Library to receive a 25 percent state tax credit on cash donations, and a 12 percent state tax credit on in-kind donations.
Currently 20 projects are designated in Southwest Colorado including Southwest Conservation Corps, the Dove Creek Community Health Clinic, area economic development groups, and Southwest Memorial Hospital.

In 1986, the Colorado State Legislature approved the Enterprise Zone Tax Credit program to assist economically distressed areas of the state. The southwest Colorado, all of Montezuma, Archuleta, San Juan and Dolores Counties are designated enterprise zone areas. La Plata County, however, is more of a checkerboard with some areas considred not distressed and thus not included.

Information about eligible businesses, programs, investments, and donations to Enterprise Zone development projects are available by calling the Region 9 office or going online at

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thanks from the Library

Letter to the Editor of the Mancos Times

Dear Editor:

The Mancos Public Library board of trustees and the capital campaign committee would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the following people for their contributions to the successful and enjoyable "Sights and Sounds of the New Community Library" event: the Mancos School District for the use of the Performance Center and Mancos School District staff - Jeanette Hammons, Peggy, Ben, and Tracy; Peter BrindA'mour for arranging the musical entertainment; the musical entertainers including Terry Wells, Lee Bartley, Peter BrindA'mour, Bob Newman, Marilyn Kroecker, Tony Littlejohn, and Jennie Akers; Pete Lloyd and P & D Grocery for cooking and donating the delicious brisket; the Mancos Friends of the Library for their participation; the set-up crew; and the clean-up crew. During the evening, attendees enjoyed the musical entertainment and potluck meal, listened to an update on the building project, viewed preliminary designs, and visited with library representatives about the project. Thank you to everyone who attended and for the generous donations which brought in $336 for the building fund.

Patsy Smith,
Mancos Public Library Director

Monday, March 19, 2007

*Library Project Waits for Zoning Changes, Flood Plain Study

The new library project for Mancos is moving along, but the library board and director are jumping through hoops to keep the project on track. Currently, the board is waiting for a second reading for zoning changes at the March 28 town trustee meeting. At this time, the proposed site south of the Mancos River is zoned two-thirds commercial and one-third residential. The proposed zoning status will be public, will require onsite parking, which would dramatically change plans and limit available space for the structure.

"It was the board's recommendation that we change to public zoning. The process has been confusing, but the town has been helpful with getting us on meeting agendas," said Library Director Patsy Smith.

The land was originally owned by Empire Electric. "Weh we started looking at properties, we had certain criteria, such as being close to downtown and the school, and large enough for a facility that would meet the needs of our populations. We looked for two year," said Patsy Smith. The library board approached Empire, which agreed to the sale, the purchase of which was completed in January 2006.

The library board will not proceed with further design work for the new building until a flood plain study is completed. The study is being done by a Durango firm, Wilbur Engineering, and should be done in the next two weeks.

The library board plans to hire a construction manager/general contractor (CM/GM). "Instead of a design-bid-build process, we're doing the CM/GM project. The contractor will work directly with our architect during the design process and recommend materials and help with cost management. We believe it's an easier way to control costs and build a building we can afford," Smith said.

The proposal deadline is April 7; proposals will be evaluated during the week of April 9 and the selected contractor will be notified the week of April 13. "Hopefully, before the contrator comes on board, the flood plain study will be completed," Smith said.

On March 17, the board previewed some conceptual designs at a corned beef dieer. Jean and Clay Bader were named Capital Campaign Chairs for the library project. "We had three music groups - about 100 people attended," Smith said. She added that the P & D Grocery donated the corned beef and the school district provided drinks and table service. "It was a feel-good night, " Smith said. "Our goal was to present some design ideas to residents, but we raised over $300 for the building fund. Every dollar counts," she said.

From the Mancos Times

*Library Project Waits for Zoning Changes, Flood Plain Study

The new library project for Mancos is moving along, but the library board and director are jumping through hoops to keep the project on track. Currently, the board is waiting for a second reading for zoning changes at the March 28 town trustee meeting. At this time, the proposed site south of the Mancos River is zoned two-thirds commercial and one-third residential. The proposed zoning status will be public, will require onsite parking, which would dramatically change plans and limit available space for the structure.

"It was the board's recommendation that we change to public zoning. The process has been confusing, but the town has been helpful with getting us on meeting agendas," said Library Director Patsy Smith.

The land was originally owned by Empire Electric. "Weh we started looking at properties, we had certain criteria, such as being close to downtown and the school, and large enough for a facility that would meet the needs of our populations. We looked for two year," said Patsy Smith. The library board approached Empire, which agreed to the sale, the purchase of which was completed in January 2006.

The library board will not proceed with further design work for the new building until a flood plain study is completed. The study is being done by a Durango firm, Wilbur Engineering, and should be done in the next two weeks.

The library board plans to hire a construction manager/general contractor (CM/GM). "Instead of a design-bid-build process, we're doing the CM/GM project. The contractor will work directly with our architect during the design process and recommend materials and help with cost management. We believe it's an easier way to control costs and build a building we can afford," Smith said.

The proposal deadline is April 7; proposals will be evaluated during the week of April 9 and the selected contractor will be notified the week of April 13. "Hopefully, before the contrator comes on board, the flood plain study will be completed," Smith said.

On March 17, the board previewed some conceptual designs at a corned beef dieer. Jean and Clay Bader were named Capital Campaign Chairs for the library project. "We had three music groups - about 100 people attended," Smith said. She added that the P & D Grocery donated the corned beef and the school district provided drinks and table service. "It was a feel-good night, " Smith said. "Our goal was to present some design ideas to residents, but we raised over $300 for the building fund. Every dollar counts," she said.

From the Mancos Times

Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patrick's Day Potluck Fundraiser

Many Mancos Valley residents came to enjoy the potluck, listen to the wonderful live music, and to socialize about the new library plans.

Honorary Chairs of the Capital Campaign, Jean and Clay Bader

Kate Kearns (with Adeline) and Susan Stamets

Representatives from the Friends of the Library, Jean and Dale

Saturday, January 27, 2007

LEED Charette for Sustainability Review

Presented by Renee Azerbegi and Jen Burnianek, Ambient Energy, LEED consultants for the Mancos Public Library Building Project.
The purpose of the meeting was to develop sustainable design strategies and set project goals. After reviewing the LEED scorecard, the project will meet the minimum requirement of equivalent to LEED Certified and will likely be eligible for a rating equivalent to LEED Silver or Gold.
Sustainable Design Goals:
The Mancos Public Library Board wants the building to meet a LEED Certified Level
30 to 40% savings in annual energy costs compared to a code compliant building (compliant to the ASHRAE 90.1-2004 energy code)
2.5% or more on-site energy will be renewable energy
Lighting Levels 2-3% better than ASHRAE 90.1-2004/IESNA
To be rated Energy Star based on utility bills
30% - 40% savings in annual water usage from plumbing fixtures
50% reduction in annual water usage from irrigation
20% or more local/regional materials
10% ormore recycled content materials
50% or mre construction waste recycling
90% of occupants will have views
The project will incorporate the following sustainability rating systems and guidelines:
LEED-NC version 2.2 for New Commercial Construction and Major Renovation, a rating system developed by the US Green Building Council
Renee and Jen presented the potential LEED points for the new Mancos Public Library. Attendees discussed which points were likely, which ones are to be investigated, or which are not likely.
Ambient Engergy:
US Green Building Council:

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Library Issues Building Report

On January 11, Library Director Patsy Smith issued a report on the status of the new library project. She reported that the new library building project is steadily moving forward in the new year. During the current pre-construction phase of the project, there are two primary objectives: design development and securing funds.

Design Development:

A committee is preparing a Request for Proposal for the general contractor for the project. Advertising, review of applications and hiring of the construction company will follow in the next couple of months.

Library representatives met with the Mancos Town Board on January 10 concerning the undeveloped secion of Mesa Street that adjoins the library building site. The library is interested in improving the street and using a portion of it for parking for the new library.
The board of trustees and the project building team will meet with the architect and LEED consultant on January 26-27 to discuss outcomes of the public workshops, site issues, and conceptual layouts. A sustainability charrette will be presented by Ambient Energy, the library's LEED consultant.


The current library building was sold in December and will be leased back to the library until we are ready to move into our new building. The cash sale of the building will provide additional funds for the building project. Pat Janz of Coldwell Banker Realty provided excellent service - thank you Pat for a job well done.

Grants were submitted to three Colorado Foundations in January for financial support of the building project.