Wednesday, December 13, 2006
*Architect Weekend a Success
Dear Editor,
The meetings with the library architects, Dennis Humphries and Matt Wilhelm were very successful in gathering input and ideas from the community for the new library building. The architects will take this information and create several conceptual design options that will be available for the community to see in January, 2007.
The Mancos Public Library would like to thank the following individuals andbusinesses for their help and support of the architect meetings. Dana Petersen created the flyer; Charlene Swansen accompanied the architects during the Friday meetings; Fahrenheit Coffeee Roasters donated coffee; P & D Grocery donated donuts; the Mancos Times provided excellent publicity; the Absolute Baker & Cafe provided breakfast goodies; and the Mancos Pizza Company provided pizza.
Thank you to the Mancos elementary shcool, middle school, and high school; and to the Mancos Valley Independent School for allowing us to meet with your students and teachers. We appreciate Nancy Strother, Kenny Smith, and members of the library board and staff for their special help make this a successful weekend.
We would also like to thank the students, senior citizens, community members, library staff, and library board for giving your time and input so that the architects have a real sense of who our community is and what our needs are for the new library. We would like to encourage everyone to continue to give us your ideas and we will pass them on to the architects.
Sincerely, Patsy Smith, Library Director
Mancos Library Director Gives Project Update
LEED Consultant hired: Ambient Energy, Inc., Renee Azerbegi, President, from Golden, Colorado was retained in November as LEED conslutant for the building project. Ambient Energy will provide the design and construction phases, and willo be responsible for submitting documentation to the US Gren Building Council for certification of the project.
Conceptual designs: Dennis Humphries and Matt Wilhelm are currently working on several conceptual designs for the new library. These preliminary designs will be completed by January 2007.
Grants: The Department of Local Affairs awarded the Energy and Mineral Impact Assistance grant in the amount of $350,000 for the building project. In addition, the grant committee is preparing applications to numerous priate foundation grants.
RFP for Construction Manager/General Contractor: A request for proposals for the construction manager/general contractor is being prepared and will be advertised next month. The CM/GC will work with the building team during the final design phase and the construction of the new library.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Mancos Public Library Architect Listens to Residents

Last weekend, architect Dennis Humphries spent a lot of time meeting Mancos residents and hearing a variety of requests for the design of the planned 6,800 square foot library facility south of the Mancos River.
During a visit to a Senior Center lunch on November 17, the architect hear requests for signs showing different sections in the library, a floor plan and directory near the entrance, sitting and rest areas throughout the interior and exterior, accessible bathroom facilities and bicycle racks.
During the November 18 public meeting at the Community Center, residents wrote their requests on colored "post-it" notes and placed them on large sheets with titles like "public meeting rooms," "children's area," and "general exterior."
Attendees had dozens of suggestions and requests, including picture and art displays, a historical collection room, computers and wireless Internet and high quality acoustics.
Other requests included as much natural lighting as possible and "smart" building innovations such as low water suage and grey water usage for landscaping.
Further discussion about the building's exterior revealed other environmental and cultural concerns. Passive solar power was one suggestion. Another was minimal light pollution. "Only 20 percent of North Americans see the Milky Way," one attendee said, voicing a request for controlled lighting of outdoor areas.
Other discussion items were technology for online cattle auctions and teleconferencing, used book storage, a solarium entrance with native plants as a learning tool, storm water management, an outdoor courtyard on the river with summer seating, a balcony overlooking the Mancos River and the use of local materials for the exterior.
Attendees discussed building styles, with requests for a structure that would blend with and echo elements of older Mancos building such as the Bauer Bank Building. Other attendees wanted to incorporate a Mesa Verde architectural theme, reflecting the Native American influence in the region. Participants rejected, "Southewestern Spanish stucco."
Other requests for the building included self-cleaning glass windows, a brick kiva, a place to safely tie dogs up, handicap accessability and in-floor heating. One resident wsaid he wanted to see a sense of "whimsy" incorporated into the design. "Let's push the edge, but still live within the vernacular," Humphries said.
Humphries will take the community input he received during his visit and develop several proposed plans with a return visit scheduled after the first of the year. "I've got my work cut out for me," he said.
From the Mancos Times
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Dennis Humphries, Architect, Meets with Mancos Valley Community

Dennis Humphries of Humphries Poli Architects met with Mancos Valley residents to discuss plans for the new library.
Discussion and pizza with Mancos High School students.
A few of the dozens of suggestions for the new library posted during a public meeting on November 18 at the Community Center. The meeting was an opportunity for residents to weigh in on preferences for the planned library. From the Mancos Times
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Meet the Architect for the Planned Mancos Library: November 18
Mr. Dennis Humphries, architect of the new Mancos Public Library building strives to design libraries that fit their communities. Input from all groups of our community is vital for the design phase. Meetings with the architect will take place November 17 and 18 in Mancos. A neighborhood landowner's meeting is set for Friday, November 17 at 3:30 p.m. at the library for business and residential neighbors to express their vision for the new library. Also on Friday, Mr. Humphries will meet with four different school groups, have lunch with the Senior Citizens, and meet with the Board of Trustees at a special work session. Saturday meetings include a public meeting from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Mancos Community Center and an afternoon meeting with library staff. If you are unable to attend any of these meetings, please come by the library and let the staff know your ideas or find out more about other meeting opportunities.
From the Mancos Times
Library Welcomes Architect
"We've had to put in additional shelving in front of almost all the windows. There s no place elose to grow. Every year when we plan, we try to figure out how to squeeze out a little more shelving space," Smith said. She added that books with lower circulation have been moved into storage to make way for more popular books. "If we get any fuller, it means more severe weeding of materials. Weeding is something we alays do, but it will have to be more aggressive," Smith said.
It is clear that the time has come for a new library facility. Plans have begun for a 6,800 square foot facility south of downtown and the Mancos River. "According to Colorao Public Library Standards and the size of the population here, this is the appropriate size," Smith said. She added that this will almost triple the current library space. Smith would like to utilize outdoor space by the river for reading and activities. The new facility would ideally have multimedia capacity for presentations and lectures, increased space for books, an expanded young adult collection, and a total increase to about 20,000 items. "More office space with staff work areas and a better flow around the circulation desk," she added.
Smith is preparing to welcome architect Dennis Humphries from Denver. Humphries was the architect for the Dolores library, one of the twenty public library projects he has been involoved in. Smith said that the library board chose Humphries for several reasons, including Humphries' library experience and his idea of looking at the town's architecture and history as part of the planning process.
"He loves to do these meetings and get community input," Smith said, referring to Humphries' visit to Mancos the weekend of November 17. Humphries will be available during a public meeting on Saturday, November 18 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Community Center.
Smith hopes to break ground for the new library facility during early summer, 2007, saying it will take about a year to complete the building with a grand opening during the summer of 2008.
The other side of the process is funding. "We're in a good place," Smith said. A mill levy increase for the new facility passed in November, 2005. "The funds from the mill levy increase will total about $86,000 this year. We're looking at getting a load as well," Smith said. The total budget for the project is $1.9 million, but Smith is confident that funding will be available.
"We've got a loan and we've just received a letter of approval for an energy and mineral impact grant for $350,000," she said. The grant is administered by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA). Smith said she needed the DOLA grant to be able to solicit private foundations for fundraising and was delighted that the grant had been approved.
The library board will also raise funds by selling the current library property. Smith hopes a sale will go through in the next few months. "We're hoping to get $350,000 for this property," Smith said. An additional $200,000 will come from private foundation grants and a local capital campaign drive which will begin in early 2007.
Smith expressed hope that the community will participate in the project planning process by attending the community meeting on November 18 at the Community Center. "We have a vision, but we have to hear from residents," she said. "I do know that he will bring materials for people to look at and get ideas. It's an informal event. I think he will mostly be listening," she said.
From the Mancos Times
Monday, September 25, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Mancos Library Fundraiser a Success

Meyer, one-time editor of the Mancos Times, talked about her relationship with the

The fundraiser was a success, raising $2,400 toward the planned library expansion.
The Mancos Public Library Staff
From the Mancos Times
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Architect Selected for the New Library
"In the next couple of months, we will hold public meetings for community members to discuss their needs and wants. From that information, our architect will develop a conceptual design. The initial design process will take about two months," said Patsy Smith, library director.
The second stage will be procuring a general contractor. The final design will be developed, which could take up to seven months, Smith explained.
"We will also be writing grants and get our funding finalized. We can't break ground until we have a close number for the cost of the project." Smith said.
She added tht the groundbreaking for the library will probably be during the spring or early summer of 2007.
From the Mancos Times
Visit Humphries Poli Architects, PC:
Monday, June 26, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Library Board, Staff Meet with Consultant

The Mancos Public Library has lots of heart - in a small and overtaxed body.
That's one way of summarizing the extensive data the library's board, staff and some supporters received during a session with library consultant Abbie Zeltzer on Wednesday, April 12.
Using the data developed during a morning meeting with the library staff, Zeltzer shared the Mancos library's current strengths, current weaknesses, future opportunities and future threats during an open workshop in the afternoon at the visitor center. Each of those aspects was considered with respect to the local library's commons mission (community meeting space), current topics and titles, general history and genealogy.
Among the current strengths listed are the "ease the public feels", children's programming, high circulation and turnover rates [of materials], "knowledgeable staff", public access computers, wireless avbility, ready reference materials at circulation desk, staff knowledge of their community, commitment to the arts, collection balance, the Southwest collection and "program variety and support of outside library community programs".
"Space" is a weakness in almost every respect - space for programs, space for collections and spae for displays. There's also not enough space available to separate activities that can interfere with each other, like children's programs and public access computers.
Future opportunities also emphasize space - space for people and space for things. The spaces for people (multi-use, young adult, children's programs and browsing lounge) carry with them threats - the budget impact of staff to schedule and monitor use, as well as cleaning, repairs and utilities.
More space is also needed for books, periodicals, prints, "technology hardware" and exhibits
When Zeltzer compared the Mancos library with the state standards, she explained that the state rates library resources as essential (25th percentile), enhanced (50th percentile), comprehensive (75th percentile), and 95th percentile.
The Mancos library has a service population of about 4,000, and it expends $4.38 per capita, which puts is almost at the comprehensive level ($4.57 per capita). Our library also has a repectable circulation (7.14 titles per capita; the state figures the enhanced level is 6.54 and comprehensive is 8.12). The turnover rate (average circulation per item owned) is also good: 1.44, which is exactly the comprehensive rate.
The needs are primarily in the areas of periodicals, non-print and audio-visual materials, volumes - and space!
(Caption: Library Consultant Abbie Zeltzer walks the board of the Mancos Public Library and other library fans through a comparison of the Mancos Library's facilities, holdings and services with comparative data from other libraries in Colorado and the 2005 Colorado Library Standards. The workshop on Wednesday will help the staff and board use the comparative data to pinpoint the capacity and features that need to be designed into the new library to be built in Empire Park.)
From the Mancos Times
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Friday, January 13, 2006
Sustainable Building Practices
Michelle Reott, principal, project manager and systainability consultant for Earthly Ideas, LLC. will talk about the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System. LEED evaluates environmental performance from a "whole building" perspective over a building's entire life cycle, providing a definitive standard for what constitutes a "green" building.
The information on LEED practices will be utilized during the planning and building of the new library. Following the presentation, Michelle will be available to answer questions and refreshments will be served.
From the Mancos Times
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Fundraising Begins in Earnest for Library

By Terry Marsden, Friends of the Library
The beginning of serious fundraising for the construction of a new Mancos Public Library began this week with the presentation of a $10,000 check to Library Director Patsy Smith by Linda Starliper, president of the Mancos Friends of the Library [made out to the Mancos Library District, for the building project].
During the presentation, both ladies expressed appreciation for the support given the library by the Mancos community and lirary district patrons. It was the support and generosity during numerous fundraisers in 2005 that made the $10,000 donation possible. The recalled the creativity of the Mancos Friends volunteers; the wonderful Englehart fundraiser at Sundance Bear Lodge, the tasty bake sales, book sales, fun raffles and the Christmas Bazaar - all successful fundraisers because so many people gave freely of their time and energy, and a generous community participated and contributed financially in each even with enthusiasm.
Smith and Starliper remind everyone that lovely Englehart-signed and numbered landscape prints are still available for purchase, as well as beautiful Englehart note cards and envelopes. In reality, they point out, this wonderful $10,000 donation is only the beginning of the serious fundraising needed to design and construct a new library. They invite everyone to stop by the Mancos library, look around the cramped facility and understand the need for expansion. Then consider a New Year's resolution to volunteer and contribute to this important community project. Seriously consider becoming a member of the Mancos Friends of the Library. Join in and help with future fundraising events and be a partner in the building of a new and beautiful Mancos Public Library.
From the Mancos Times
Sunday, January 1, 2006
The Deed is Done
From the Mancos Times