Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Mancos Library Director Gives Project Update

Mancos Public Library Director Patsy Smith recently gave an update for the planned new library facility. Below is a description of the project progress.

LEED Consultant hired: Ambient Energy, Inc., Renee Azerbegi, President, from Golden, Colorado was retained in November as LEED conslutant for the building project. Ambient Energy will provide the design and construction phases, and willo be responsible for submitting documentation to the US Gren Building Council for certification of the project.
Conceptual designs: Dennis Humphries and Matt Wilhelm are currently working on several conceptual designs for the new library. These preliminary designs will be completed by January 2007.

Grants: The Department of Local Affairs awarded the Energy and Mineral Impact Assistance grant in the amount of $350,000 for the building project. In addition, the grant committee is preparing applications to numerous priate foundation grants.

RFP for Construction Manager/General Contractor: A request for proposals for the construction manager/general contractor is being prepared and will be advertised next month. The CM/GC will work with the building team during the final design phase and the construction of the new library.

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