Master of Ceremonies Mr. Darrell Ellis introduced the speakers: Library Director, Mrs. Patsy Smith; Library Board President, Mr. Robin Strother; Mayor Pro Tem Ms. Cindy Simpson; High School Representative Ms. CeCe Claridge, Library Architect Mr. Dennis Humphries; and Construction Manager Mr. Robert Lea.
Meanwhile, the younger children and their parents played 'in the dirt', digging and driving Tonka Trucks in the large dirt pile created for the "Tonka Truck Jamboree".

The first shovels of dirt were thrown to cheers and whistles!

Closing the ceremony were the bagpipers; the entire group then walked back across the footbridge to the Mancos Community Center, where delicious appetizers were enjoyed, and lively discussions about the construction took place.

The Mancos Public Library would like to thank everyone that has worked so hard and diligently to help us realize our dream of a new library.
Please view all the Groundbreaking Day photos in our Flickr Web Album.
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