Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Building Project Update
Recently, the Mancos Town Board, Mayor Black, and the town staff demonstrated strong support for the library's building project by passing a number of resolutions that will waive various permit and tap fees. These funds will be applied to other construction costs, thus helping the library meet is budgetary goal for the project. In addition, the support given by the Town will be acknowledged in future grants which will assist the library in obtaining these grants. The Town of Mancos and the Mancos Library District (MLD) also established an intergovernmental agreement which will allow the MLD to develop Mesa Street, which is adjacent to the library building site to provide off-site parking for library patrons and the public. The Mancos Library District would like to thank the Town of Mancos for its strong show of support for the library building project.
On November 15, construction manager, Robert Lea of Davidson Construction gave a presentation on estimated construction costs for the project. The board will meet with architect Dennis Humphries soon, to review and approve the final design development plan.
From the Mancos Times
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Artists Schedule Fundraiser for New Mancos Library
The event is scheduled from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Saturday, February 8, 2008 at the Mancos Community Center and will offer food, wine, and live music by Nate Mayfield.
Local creators are being sought to participate and donate work for the fundraiser, according to Marilyn Kroeker. The deadline to turn in artwork for the event is Thursday, December 27.
For more information, contact Kroeker at [970] 533.7464.
From the Mancos Times
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Design for New Town Library Taking Shape

By Patsy Smith
The Mancos Public Library recently hosted a program presented by the facility's consultant for Leaderhip in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), Renee Azerbegi, who provided information about the process of certification under the LEED Green Building Rating System from the U.S. Green Building Council.
Azerbegi discussed the green strategies for the new library building including construction activity pollution prevention, site development, water efficiency, on-site renewable energy (photovoltaic panels), recycled and rapidly renewable building materials, indoor environmental quality and innovation in design.
Following that, the project architect, Dennis Humphries, offered the latest design for the new library building to the library board and building project team. This design represents 50 percent of the design development phase. The final design will be presented to the board on Thursday, November 15. Participants discussed all aspects of the design, including LEED points associated with the green strategies. The construction manager, Robert Lea with Davidson Construction, Inc., put together preliminary figures for construction costs. Steve Eccher of Eccher Design & Planning, LLC., who was recently hired as the owner's representative for the project was in attendance.
The latest design is included so that the public has an opportunity to see two views of the exterior design of the new library. Plans of the exterior and interior are available at the library for public review and are posted on the library website, Library board members and staff welcome the public's input and ideas on the design.
For more information, contact the Mancos Public Library at [970] 533.7569.